Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bridespot - Lissa Bee

Well Miss Eliza Blu, Here is my wedding story!

The most fun part of wedding planning for me (so far) has been picking the dress, theme, colors, favors, etc. Of course the most fun will be actually getting married! It was wonderful to make things what I wanted them to be, and how I wanted to do it. I had a vision in my head and tried to create it. I wasn't ready for people to get mad at me, expect me to use their opinions, or have my wedding be how they thought it should be. Officer Jack and I have learned compromise through out this whole process, and have enjoyed it. We have had our bumps in the road with the planning of our wedding, but other than that, everything was pretty smooth. I can't believe I am getting married in 12 days. What's my biggest triumph you ask? Besides paying for most of the wedding ourselves! And besides marrying the man of my dreams! Hehe. Well that would be hand-making lots of stuff for the wedding! I handmade all my wedding favors, and I am helping make the dessert. Now, what will I do after it is all over? :-)


Bride Lissa Bee

Thanks for sharing! I can't believe you'll be a Married Lady soon. This is a very special first Bridespot as Lissa Bee has been a friend for over 10 years. She is also very modest, she printed her invites at home (you can see them featured in the DIY Invites post), homemade pumpkin butter for her favors and embellished 100s of little jars, AND she decorated her very own pair of white shoes seen in here. She is a DIY Bride Machine.

In addition, she made beautiful gifts for her bridesmaids, which I will post photos of after her wedding, as not to ruin the surprise. I can't wait to be there to see you and Officer Jack tie the knot!

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